Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Slade in Aalborg
As promised here are the photos from the Slade gig in Aalborg, Denmark, which hard-core fan Per sent me. The gig took place at the venue Skraaen on February 3rd.
Notice that what Mal is wearing is actually Fagin’s stage clothe from the ”Oliver T.” musical in which Don participated on the Team Theatre in Denmark last year.
Per wrote me that Slade went on stage around 9 p.m. He said it was good to see Tim Ravage back with the crew. The set list was the same as the day before and everybody had a great time.
Thanks a lot, Per!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Slade in Sonderborg
On February 2nd and 3rd Slade did two gigs in Denmark, but unfortunately I was unable to attend any of them. Instead my trusty friend and hard-core Slade fan Per sent me some photos from the concerts.
The first concert was at the venue Sonderborghus in Danish town Sonderborg. As support Slade had the Irish folk singer and guitarist Tom Donovan.
Slade went on stage around 9.30 p.m. and the set list was as follows:
We’ll Bring The House Down
Take Me Bak ’Ome
Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
Red Hot
’Coz I Luv You
Run Runaway
My Oh My
Gudbuy T’Jane
Mama We’re All Crazee Now
Get Down And Get With It
And for the encores:
Cum On Feel The Noize
Merry Xmas Everybody
Thanks a lot to Per for letting me use his photos. Pics from the second concert will be posted as soon as possible!